Analysis of Canadian Goods Market (day 688)

Day 688, 15:05 Published in Canada Canada by Lucky_Strike

This is something I plan on doing once in a while. I'll been looking at market prices in Canada to provide an idea on which way the trends are going. I think this might be useful to businesspeople or interesting at least for the common person. The idea came from the fact that domestically, prices are too low for companies - they struggle to make a profit in the wake of the war quieting down. But also, the relative high value of the CAD to gold means that prices are too high to compete internationally. This is a real tough spot for Canadian businesses.


- "G-C rate" is the number of CAD needed to buy 1 gold.
- I'm listing only the most commonly used goods.
- All prices are converted from CAD to gold so that you may compare them internationally.

Summary: This week, the price of gold has remained between 33 and 36 CAD, allowing a generally easy comparison of prices. Food is up all across the board, save for Q5 food, which has seen a significant decrease. Gifts and weapons have become less expensive somewhat due to the war having slowed down significantly thereby reducing demand. Finally, moving ticket prices have taken a huge tumble, presumably also because there is less need to travel to go fight in wars.

Canada (7 days ago) Canada
G-C Rate 36.0 34.3
Food 1 0.020 0.021
Food 2 0.050 0.054
Food 3 0.086 0.123
Food 4 0.112 0.131
Food 5 0.281 0.206
Gift 1 0.043 0.036
Weapon 1 0.126 0.115
MT 1 0.344 0.206

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