ANA Party Election Results

Day 696, 01:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

The server has been running slow, and currently the game shows no election results and we can still see the old Party Presidents in the party page. However, most of you already know the results:
Ajay has lost the elections. True victory lies not in votes that can be given even by a multi, true victory lies in the support of real members. Look aroun😛 Every comment, every article, every active player in the ANA fought on my side to prevent Ajay from victory.

I am proud of the results of these elections. It shows that there is real ANA, made up of real players, and in case of peril, we can all unite on a common front. This is not a defeat, but a triumph. We fought together, and fought well. I thank you, every one of you who voted for me. Today we have proved that we are not puppets of Ajay. We are a true community, we have a voice, we have a will, we have a plan

Despite this fact, we have lost. I don't even feel a necessity to explain it. It all too obvious. In the situation in which Ajay has received 15 votes in 15 minutes..There are no explanations needed. We might have been defeated through cheating, but we have won the moral battle. And I tell you, it's better not to have the Party President chair, but know that I have actived and dedicated people behind me, and that together we put a great fight.

We cannot win against sheer numbers and cheating. But I am telling you, today is the greatest victory that ANA ever achieved in it's history.

And don't worry. I have a plan.



Ajay was banned, and I was PP for two hours, then Ajay was unbanned again and my PP position was removed. This is a disgrace from the side of the admins, it's so, so obvious what's going on, and yet they do not dare to ban him.