An Unusual Interview

Day 591, 11:30 Published in North Korea Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Reporting from the depths of the irc, I have managed to secure an interview with a eNK Congressman (who was shortly joined by another). Please vote and subscribe if you like what you read!

IndieKi😛 what do you do in NK?
TheReverendSeanV: Nothing
IndieKi😛 well then why are you interesting?
TheReverendSeanV: I'm not at all
IndieKi😛 are you a congressman?
TheReverendSeanV: Yep
IndieKi😛 how have you contributed to political debate?
TheReverendSeanV: And one of the few non-FoH in City Party
IndieKi😛 you didn't answer the question
Newbie53 is now known as CelioAzevedo
TheReverendSeanV: Well I helped run the Korean Libertarian Party and Kit Kat Party while they existed
TheReverendSeanV: I proposed the weapons tax
IndieKi😛 what are your opinions on celio?
CelioAzevedo: Hi
CelioAzevedo: I prefer low taxes for now
TheReverendSeanV: Hey Celio
IndieKi😛 hey
IndieKi😛 I'm doing an interview
IndieKi😛 can you please be quite for a sec celio?
CelioAzevedo: ok
IndieKi😛 rev what are your opinions on celio?
TheReverendSeanV: Celio was alright at first, I used to communicate with him. Then he got all ban-happy with reporting people for no reason.
TheReverendSeanV: The spam that followed on every article only made things worse
IndieKi😛 what would you say to celio now? (if he was here 😃)
TheReverendSeanV: Cut the s***
CelioAzevedo: Hi
CelioAzevedo: pls Indie, begins
CelioAzevedo: but an interview just between you and me
IndieKi😛 thank you are your time rev
CelioAzevedo: ping pong
IndieKi😛 well that was random
TheReverendSeanV: Hahahaha
TheReverendSeanV: So celio
TheReverendSeanV: I heard you were a eunuch who waves white flags
CelioAzevedo: I just want peace now
IndieKi😛 celio I have a question for you
CelioAzevedo: i dont want to lost my eR account
CelioAzevedo: as i wont report more anyone else more
IndieKi😛 I have a question from an annonomous member of eNK. Interested?
CelioAzevedo: ok
IndieKi😛 Would you consider yourself a coward with no balls?
CelioAzevedo: lol
CelioAzevedo: no
IndieKi😛 why not?
IndieKi😛 And we'll finish there with no answer from Celio

We hope you enjoyed that brief glance into the life of North Korea's Most Hat- I mean The ReverendSeanV. Please subscribe and vote if you enjoyed what you read!

Also he added this in:
CelioAzevedo😮k, np comrade. I´m being almost banned from the game by the fascists from eNK

I doubt people will take kindly to THAT! 😃