An ignorant's questions

Day 1,300, 09:01 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

A request to the community for some information.

1. What is the cost of upgrading a q4 to q5 weapons company?
2. What is the cost of “buying” a q5 and how is it done?
3. In practice, what is the method and cost of acquiring a q5 when you already have a q4 and a q2?

I ask because there is a proposal to assist HOPE. Jacobi and Lavis have a q4 and q2. It sounds as if they would part with those in order to have a q5.
The suggestion is that Rolo give 300 gold to the treasury which would then be returned to him in exchange for a q5 weapons company. The further suggestion is that, after we pay the money to Rolo, he be given “credit” for returning 390 gold to eCanada.

At first blush this is money laundering. Fellow has “my” money; then finds a way to send it to someone who returns it to him in a colourable transaction. Fellow then says “its mine, someone legitimately paid me for something”. Of course the “something” is also stolen goods to begin with.

Result: thief gets to keep 300 gold which he can say is “his”. The victim get nothing. A third party gets some of my stuff. PLUS, the thief is not only given 300 gold, he is given additional “credit” for “returning” 390 gold.

I note a number of congressmen are okay with this - some not. I honestly think I am missing something(s). Hence this article, which is not really an article so much as an ignorant’s questions.