An Army Raffle-Q5 Weapons

Day 739, 16:13 Published in USA USA by batterytime

Title: ~~USMC: The Few, The Proud~~

We are the few. We are the proud. The United States Marine Corps is the elite fighting force of the eUS.

✬ We are the first soldiers, the first response. Rapid response, rapid deployment.
✬ We are not simply fighters: we are team members and friends.
✬ We are a community that supports each other.
✬ We are a group that is committed to the protection and to the goals of this country.

✬✬ We are MARINES. ✬✬

We currently have the following requirements:
✔ Veteran* (Skill Level 11) in a military skill
✔ Nemesis (Skill Level 9) in at least two military skills
✔ Field Marshal military rank (Level 😎
✔ Can actively participate frequently on IRC
✘ IRC is NOT an option, it is a requirement.
✘ Any accepted applicant who is Nemesis in two skills will be required to train one to at least Veteran.

❱❱❱❱❱❱❱❱ APPLY TO THE USMC ❰❰❰❰❰❰❰❰

HOWEVER: Take note. These are only minimum baseline requirements, and are not a guarantee.
The Marines are a team and a community. What we value above all is not your strength on the battlefield, but your character and qualities as a person. This is a group that stands not only as the elite in terms of strength, but also the elite in terms of character.

When you join the Marines, you are expected to be held to the highest standards. These tenets are part of what define us as THE MARINES.

We are defined as people by how we act.

Honor. Courage. Commitment.
That is how we act. That is how we succeed.


Lt. Batterytime
Commander - Charlie 1 - Teshub's Hand
United States Marine Corps