An argument; Opposition to "Lucky Seven"

Day 2,144, 20:07 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Lucky 7; Excellent in principle. But, in practice....

Following the latest PTO-free Congressional elections, there were rumors spreading around about a push to reform the Work Tax implemented by the last Congress. While the WT has always been starkly reminded to us through our 4pm factory clickings, it has been a particularly covered issue as of late. Our Tax-Per-Click has shot up rapidly to 3.15 USD per click, due largely to the recent spat of Contests. These same contests damned us into terrible warfare performance, leading many to question just how does this money we earn from the WT benefit our war effort. Some have even asked if this money is even going towards the war effort. Being USAF myself, I can easily refute the rumor that was spreading around that the USAF branches are getting more funding. No worries; USAF isn’t going to get any more of our money for a long, long time.

Unfortunately, that seems to be the only one of these two rumors that I can dispel. As seen in this Discussion Thread, the push I heard of for lower WT has came to light. The proposition of this idea jumped quickly into the discussion, citing the various effects of the WT on the populace. How the Marines have left, how the Newbs are being hurt, how Communes cannot operate...etc.

America, I am not here to tell you that the pain the proposition talks of isn’t there.

I am here to tell you that this pain is worth it.

To elaborate, I must take a few steps back in eHistory. Approximately to the time right before the Oblige administration.

At this time, we were between a rock and a hard-place, so to speak. Past FA policy had damned us into one of the worst positions we’d ever been in as a team. The failure of CoT as a whole (ourselves not excluded in the least) to move on EDEN nations had ended up in a 20% damage pit. For victory to be obtained, we had to day in day out, defeated 60% of the world. Needless to say, that was not being done.

We had no Congress. We were occupied completely.

As time progressed, now back after Oblige had won elections, an opening had made itself apparent to us. Hungary, a nation we have never lost a direct 1 on 1 war with, had extended their empire beyond what they could control. Through an off-hand RW in Alaska and a hard-fought victory in Oaxaca, hope was in sight. Hungary had two, strong nations opposed to it, ready and able to begin one of the largest empire dissolutions Erep history.

...But then, we remembered the pit. The 20% deep hole that was dug by our past, now fruitless policies as both a Nation and an Alliance. Even while we held the massive mechanical advantage in terms of fronts, our damage was nothing compared to Hungary’s.

And this, eAmerica, is what leads us to the first step towards whale-esque warfare. President Oblige requested around 1-2 million USD from the reserves to ensure that Hungary could not force us back into our metaphorical pit. We obliged (heh. Punny) him, spent the amount and decimated the Hungarian Empire. They were out of Russia, America, Mexico and the most of the Ukraine. Not to mention, our efforts helped the French secure a Congress that month. As well, we had now formed the “Great Wall of Mexico”; A vital tool, even now.

To cut to the point, we had found a way to defeat the odds. By using supreme strategy backed up by monetary aid, we could survive this war. This proved true yet again when we destroyed the Serbian Empire. They too were removed from America. They too had their empire destroyed, their politics turned upside down and internal divisions shown off to the world.

Now, wtf was the point of that whole speech? To drive in the point:

Even with RW blitz opportunities on our side, victory is not assured. Until the 20% damage divide is gone, money must be used to ensure we hold a fighting place in the world.

This is where the Fiscal Solvency Protection Act comes in. The FPSA mandates we keep a 10% WT till the reserves hit 10 million USD. By default, it also prepares us for more of the monetary-backed warfare that we have seen in the past. The question the opposition originally posed to the 10% was~ Is this really worth it?

Well, it depends. See, our income at the moment is equal to that of Serbia, our largest enemy. Keep in mind; This doesn’t mean that Serbia is equal to us in terms of warfare advantages. Rather, due to Serbia’s multiple RW openings and chokeholds, this means we have an advantage.


Now, take away the monetary side of this equation. Lets say we were to implement the “Lucky 7” proposal, outlined and supported by the Federalist Party. Alright, so, we now earn less money than Serbia. If we choose to spend money, our chances of success are questionable.


Naturally, like all bills in Congress, the Lucky 7 Proposal has a PRO to this CON. The base pro is that newbs will able to survive and that many e😜at Americans will come home. It will end the mass exodus out of eAmerica that is clearly damaging our nation on a whole.

Now, that may all sound convincing. But, take into account the following two facts;

1. Wipe of our nation, which can easily occur if we don’t prepare to launch a long-term monetary war, hurts our newbs much more. How fun do you think it is to enter a game, supporting your nation in a RW which is being crushed? How enticing do you think it is to play a game where you must fight for your opressors, unwillingly ignorant to the fact that you can move somewhere else? How fun must it be to try time and time again through wasting your weapons, your USD and your energy to liberate that one state?

Answer; Not very fun. As proven in states such as Bulgaria, newb population goes down greatly when longterm occupation ensues. Having a 7% WT only minorly allevies newb pain, while ensuring massive doubt is cast upon our war effort. Occupation is not something to be played with, people. Also, I believe now is the time where I mention that eAmerica has the strongest monetary newb-support network I’ve ever seen.

2. There is no “Mass Exodus”. As Kemal states here, we have not lost the massive amounts of people like the Lucky 7 proponents like to portray. Yes, there have been vocal departures. But those were of people who had lost faith in us, as a Congress. They simply do not see the reasoning behind this. In essence, a solid point of the Lucky 7 proposal is that people don’t know why we have the FSPA and don’t trust the people who made it. As a Congress, it is our job to show people logic where there is logic. Coming from a Populist party here, I’m telling you, you cannot change course because you as a body are doing a sh*tty job at explaining why something has to be. True populism involves direct communication with the peoples. You do not to feed off their fears and mistrusts. You hear those fears and mistrusts, then show them the logic behind it all. Granted, that process is hard. But seriously here, are we going to deny our side a fighting chance because we don’t feel like an uphill battle?

The simple fact of the matter is that eAmerica can handle this tax. Our support networks are strong, our resolve can be formed and our options are grim. Just because we’ve done a bad job at explaining why we need a 10% tax doesn’t mean that we get to deny logic.

If we want to stay on the map, we must have this. Wipe is not an option. Wipe will kill our newbs, will put our FA prospects down to zero (who wants to work with the losing side?) and will not heal the base concerns much of our player base has.

Lucky 7 seeks to ease your concerns and restore your trust. That is a good-hearted venture. Sadly, what the proponents of Lucky 7 don’t see is that they are doing that through nation-endangering appeasement. Through the denial or ignoring of the base logic that drove this into existence.

To my fellow Congressmen voting yes on this bill;
I get where you're coming from and the good intentions you have.

However, we must remember that it is our job to explain the needs behind what we have done. The FPSA was done with just cause and logic, as illustrated above. No matter how badly we explain that just cause and logic, the just cause and logic remains.

I urge you to consider what you have just voted upon after reading my two counter-arguments above. Consider why you are doing this, what this will accomplish and the damage it will reap.

A Lucky 7 won't get us out of this mess. Rather, in the point of view of mine and many others, it will get us deeper into it.

WTP Congressman