An appeal for an update in the media module

Day 1,473, 07:35 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Some time has passed since the admins introduced their so called improvements to the media module, that would "fix" many thing and improve the gameplay overall, wrong, they made this change at the outbreak of the eRepublik Rebellion and the motive was to "silence" the community that demanded changes, we demanded a fair treatment to the non-gold buying players, of course that didn't happen, but we could discuss that in an another article. Onto the main topic. In the current shape media module is pretty much wasting its potential. I never actually understood how you can not merge together elements from eRepublik v1 into the current one. It surely isn't a mission impossible, I would assume and I keep asking myself, do others from the community concur with me, most likely yes. Now, why isn't there a change possible, it would surely be in the interest of admins to strenghten the newspaper part in this game, in the early days of this game this was the part that lost the most compared to other modules in the current days. I once considered the layout of how articles appear on the main page as unique, as something that no one has tried before and eRepublik succeeded in this - well, admins don't share the same opinion and had to remove it due to their inability to handle the voters' club. These days I keep wondering, why does the entire community have to suffer because of a few individuals and more or less lazyness of the eRepublik staff to fix the things that they are responsible of.

ERepublik newspaper module in its former glory - I sure do miss it.

eRepublik v1 newspaper as it once was

Going back to the days, the articles surely didn't appear in seperate topics as this is the case nowadays, but they did have that appeal, where you could read every article that you desired and thought it was worth reading. Most commonly the community itself would say which article deserves praises and which one doesn't simply by voting. Votes are the greatest value for a writer you could and can imagine, and you must keep it in your head that only he can inform the ordinary players, that more or less come online for a few minutes daily, what is going on, he can make them interested to step out of the "inactivity zone" with his articles. People will see headlines at the bottom part of this main page and say, hey, that looks like something interesting and while they read what someone else wrote, it may raise concerns to them what is going on in this game and if they can help anyhow. Trust me, I'm not saying this because I think that is the case, I know that is the case - people always reflected their opinions bellow the articles and made their voice heard. These days it's simply about, how many subscribers you have and those that do have them from early parts of eRepublik, those prosper and get loads of votes - those that do not have them, write quality articles that go by unnoticed. Think about that, please.

I'm writing this appeal to make my voice heard, for admins to think about that there are other ways than just the current one. Newspaper module could look so much better and has so much potential for improvement that you will be banging your heads against the wall once you decide to improve it and get good results from it. Some day you will be asking yourselves, admins, why didn't I do it before, why haven't I thought of it. Community was right, they know what is best for this game - well, the last part is more or less an illusion, when did the "money earners" listen to normal players, yes, you guessed it, never. Think about it, have it in your mind. I'd much rather return to the former "system", where articles weren't seperated as they are now. The biggest reward for a writer are the readers and not the article that he writes himself - they can share the opinions with him and you are preventing players of doing that, at least in the mass scale.

I won't be begging you on my knees to do something that is impossible to change, but I know this is the thing that you are aware of that needs drastic changes and improvements. So far you still haven't done anything, is it really necessary that someone speaks out loud and reminds you of this problem, I keep asking myself. Changes did, may and will happen nevertheless, it is up to you to make those changes now.

Admins, think about it!

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly