An apology to Canada...

Day 610, 01:41 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Yesterday, the German congress accepted a proposal to sue peace with France and to cease our limited support to Canada, that having been to remain officially neutral but at least give our citizens the chance to fight by leaving the MPP with your nation open.

This is a saddening act of betrayal from our side, and I feel deeply sorry that the vote of mine and the ones of the 3 other congressmen who opposed this were not enough to avert this disappointing decision.
However, please do not condemn our entire nation yet. The voting on this was preceded by a fierce debate concerning our standing point in the eWorld which is still waging on in the eGerman forums, and the popular opinion as well as the governmental one are parted by a deep rift. Our current administration is on a course to join PEACE, yet there is quite a bit of opposition and while in the end it may be inevitable, it does not represent the will of the entire German people.

A lot of us still harbour friendly and sympathetic feelings for Canada, and many are upset that they have been robbed of the chance to fight for our ally. We have not forgotten that you were one of the nations most loyal to us in our war against Sweden and Poland, and even afterwards, as we came under indirect control by PEACE nations, you stood to us. Many Germans appreciate this, and wish to return the favour now that you are facing an equally unjust invasion by superpowers, and a lot of ones have fought on your battlefields already, either from here or by migrating to countries allied with you or Canada itself.

Sadly, there is a very large amount of people, unfortunately also sitting at the top of the country right now, who apparently don't value true friendship and do not feel inclined to help someone in peril who has previously given all for us. This is an outrage and a shame for Germany, as it shows the willingness of many to ram a knife into the back of someone close to us just to opportunistically enjoy the benefits that a union with PEACE would bring us at the expense of our sovereignty and the freedom to decide what is right and worth fighting for, and our dignity and honour.

Again, I want to apologise for this crime. But even if the government is heading towards the direction of betrayal of the lowest kind, dropping a much valued and dear friend like a hot potato in favour of the aggressive forces who threaten its existence out of selfish (and even in that regard questionable) motivations, so believe me that there are still quite a few of us who share my opinion and either try to still fight on from within to get Germany to change its course (which is why I will not move out to Canada yet), or who have their heart in the right place and leave their disappointing homeland to continue fighting for justice.

Disclaimer: As I was removed from my position as German ambassador to Canada due to my admittedly controversial statements not necessarily working in the favour of our current administration's apPEACEment politics, this is an entirely unofficial and personal article.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you could vote up this article in which there is a note informing sympathisers of the free moving tickets that can be provided to them should they desire to fight on.