An Announcement Delayed by Shock and Dismay

Day 671, 08:48 Published in USA USA by Nohari Starr

i had originally intended to announce my candidacy for Congress on Friday, but RL matters took me away long enough for it to slip my mind. No worries, as I was still interviewing for an aide and planning to introduce myself to the voters of West Virginia when I discovered that WV had been conquered by France... FRANCE???

I have correspondence out to various parties to determine what exactly happened yesterday. If anyone reading this can fill me in, it would be greatly appreciated! That said, assuming that West Virginia is liberated by election day, I humbly submit my candidacy for Congress for the great state of West Virginia. My campaign platform follows.

My Campaign Platform

Remember: Even if you don't vote for me... VOTE and FIGHT for eUSA !!!

Allright. We're back in business... In Missouri. I'm very confident that our party leadership is behind me and I intend to win!

Starr for Security. Starr for the Economy. Starr for Congress