American PTO, I'd Like to Meet You

Day 1,096, 12:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

The eHuns love to talk about an eAmerican PTO in eSouth Africa. Their articles are filled with eAmerican PTO this and eAmerican PTO that.

I've been active in eSouth Africa, as a true eSouth African, for months. Though I can list the names of blabbering eHun PTOers without a second thought, I can't name a single eAmerican PTOer - not one!

So I offer this: eAmerican PTOers, I'd like to meet you. I'd like to know your names.

eHuns, in order to make these accusations, you must have a list of names. If not, you're slandering eAmerican players and breaking eRep's terms of use.

Let's see that list, shall we? Or are you ready to admit that the accusations are fabricated?