
Day 377, 09:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Revo Hagalaz

Erepublik is an amazing game! Not amazing because of it's features, or it's excitement, or it's many activities, or even it's broad spectrum number of players. No, Erepublik is amazing because despite having none of those things and being tedious, boring and simple, it is amazingly addictive!?

I have been playing Erepublik for about 3 weeks now and I seriously can't find anything good to say about it! I only play for about 5 minutes a day and doubt if anyone could play for much longer. I find it annoying, tedious and pointless, yet I can't seem to stop playing! Why?

What is it exactly that has so many grown, sensible, mature and intelligent people, from all over the world, coming back daily to do these few minutes of mind numbingly boring, repetitive tasks, just to keep their imaginary Erepublic existences going?

Can anyone explain?