Allied Hotsheetâ„¢ Day 786

Day 786, 03:11 Published in USA USA by e Project Mayhem



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Click the Infantryman For All eNation's Battle Orders

eUSA President: Jewitt and his Newspaper: The Jewitt Report
eCanada Prime Minister: Jacobi and his Newspaper: The Merchantman



*Click on the blue links to be directed to correlative Article

Make Your Vote Count

50 Gold For Best Video

Eugene Harlot For POTUS? Max MacFarland Wonders

eRepublik Radio

I Am NOT Running For POTUS

Eugene Harlot Is Definitely Running For POTUS

How To Help Haiti

Army Times Hits Grand Slam

USA In 2 Minutes Or Less

Regarding The Japanese PTO Article

I Have Won This Game

A Statement From The State Department

An Elegy For Those Trying To Find Gold For Training

An eHistory of Emerick's Life

Farewell Emerick

Aeros On Meet The US Government

Top Ten Battles in eRep History

Sydiot On: How The Government Makes Money

Desertfalcon On Germany And French Resistance

More Stories To Come As They Develop. Remember to Subscribe for future Editions!


EDEN / Brolliance Content

*Click on the blue links to be directed to correlative Article

Operation: Fortress Karnataka

UK On Its 9th Life

Daily Damage Stats Comparison

Bikini Give Away Extravaganza

For Teh Lulz


I Knew It

I Have Found The Royal navy

Indo Cannot Into Debt

Yes We Juan

Say Hello To Your New Ambassador

The eUK Has A Problem

Amazing Road Art

Teh Lulz Serbia, Teh Lulz

Bridge Over The River Atlantic

Propaganda - You're Doing It Wrong

UK - A Declaration By The 59 United States

Eugene Harlot is Chuck Norris

I Stand Ready To Kill...

Propaganda Isn't A British Talent

CSI Germany


War Analysis

Through The Looking Glass
NEW home of eRep In Maps
Global Defense Report
Defense Intel Review
Stars and Stripes Journal
From The Shelf
eWorld Trade Centar
A Farewell to Arms


You may think that you're cooler than this, but you're not.

*If you think there is a story worth repeating, leave a comment below with appropriate link and the Allied Hotsheet will add it. This Org also subscribes to ALL they who comment on the Allied Hotsheet™. Call it Brolliance Love. As the author of this Newspaper is eCanadian - and a poor one at that, I would appreciate it if my fellow Bros can give my Newspaper a SHOUT once in a while to help it reach a broader subscriber base.*

Quid Pro Quo makes the New World go 'round.