All I Want For Christmas...

Day 1,493, 11:52 Published in South Africa USA by Jude Connors

MOOD MUSIC: Hits From The Bong

Greetings and Salutations:

As you know, Congress elections are upon us. Here in what was the Republic of South Africa, we are fighting hard to secure a region so that we can run Congress elections. Presently, we are working with our allies in Brzail, who we agreed to lose territories to in order to allow Terra access to the Empire of Indonesia. Presently we are fighting in North West Province. Move to Brazil and fight for the resistance.

Meanwhile in America, the parties are getting ready to wage political war once again with one another, tossing out any possibility of a decent Congress. I was recently in the #AMP chatroom when I came across this:

<Ciphered> I just remembered
<Ciphered> earlier today, when I "accidentally voted for someone of another party"
<Ciphered> I clicked "vote" on an article by accident.
<Ciphered> No wonder I wasn't worried, it was just voting for the article.
<Ciphered> Actual elections haven't started.

<Jude_Connors> so wait: ciphere😛 you won't vote for someone not in AMP?

<Ciphered> Jude, probably not, depending on their agenda and platform. I'll have to find out their goals and whether or not I agree with those goals.

<Jude_Connors> and thank you for reminding my why i will NEVER participate in party politics again, ciphered
<Jude_Connors> as long as the mentality of party>nation and quantity>quality
<Jude_Connors> we will always have idiots in Congress

It sad; it really is. This last term, I was appointed by Speaker of the House Crownover to be the Public Affairs Officer for the US Congress. At first, this was great... as Congress was active and participating and doing it's job. Unfortunately, they met the Speaker's goals early on and had nothing to do, so moved on to what can only be defined as aggrevated stupidity. Take the ridiculous ideas of Dru Blood and Stanley Ibcus and add the constant trolling of Pfeiffer and you have the recipe for a stew of stupidity. I hope everyone takes a chance to visit the Library of Congress to see what was discussed in this term when it is all made public after the next elections.

But what causes all the stupidity is the notion that party>nation and quantity>quality. Parties are driven to put as many people in Congress as possible, including many who should not be in any position of power. Let's look at the debacle of Anish9500 (Fed-LA). This guy was so unqualified, he actually thought it was OK to sell citizenship to foreigners.

As reported in The Speakers Word:
Vote: Censure Anish9500 - started by Eli Crownover.

Anish9500 had been accused of selling citizenship for gold. Evidence is comprised of testimonies by new US citizens (whom he approved for gold), a conversation between several citizens on the eUSA forum, a screenshot of an offer of citizenship for gold from Anish9500, and a private message from Anish9500 where he confirmed to Eli Crownover that he had indeed sold citizenships.

Sale of citizenship puts the country in danger of hostile PTOs. It’s an abuse of power to sell citizenship for personal gain. Congress will not support such actions.

This motion passed with a majority vote:
26 For
2 Against
3 Abstain

Anish9500 is hereby censured and his access to Congressional Forums is removed.

Amazingly, it is rumored that this idiot will run for Congress again. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR A DUMBASS WEARING A KANGO!

NPR is the official interactive online radio program of the USA Government. It is live every Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00 eRepublik Time on Co-Host and NPR News Director, Artela is looking for submissions to be included on the NPR 2011 Year In Review special on Tuesday, December 29th. If you have a special moment you would like featured on the program, please drop a message to either me or the wonderful and beautiful Artela, so we can get it on the show!
Omnia Vincit Amor.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

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