Alfred Ball, Next President

Day 776, 17:42 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Alfred Ball, Next President

Part of the reason why I decided to not seek an citizenship in eUSA when I was offered the chance to was because there was eAustria. eAustria offered a different style of politics and more down to the bone candidates.

Now, Im not one to go against the people who I represent, especially since The Socialist Party extended their hands to me when I returned to eAustria but the way The Socialist Party decided on who to endorse did not convince me of anything as they chose who to endorse before the platforms were released. I know the SP and NFA have a little rivalry going on that actually brings more fun and thrill to eAustria politics and I hope I don't ruin that but I wish to go about the elections a different way.

Why Alfred Ball?

Of course, before I made my decision I reviewed both of the candidates' articles and comments on articles of interest regarding the elections. After reviewing Alfred's Platform (which was released a little bit before today) I saw that Rangeley was the proposed Minister of Foreign Affairs. In my past articles I did say that eAustria needed to continue Rangeley's work in this department. How closer can it get to Rangeley himself?

Also, I did not like the idea that Borojevic considered himself as a "Second Choice". I was interested in his plans for eAustria and statements that he wanted the best for eAustria. But considering yourself as a second choice does not really support those statements. And, I know a cabinet is not required but I would rather put my trust into a candidate that has help from experienced eCitizens.

It was also shown that Alfred Ball knew how to pick-point specialty areas, based on his Cabinet. This is an ideal quality I have supported for a long time (See New Citizen Initiative). Alfred Ball is just the ideal candidate to support my ideas and views. I am a very motivated writer/typer which is a quality I see in both candidates, so, no problem here.

Alfred's History In Politics

Alfred was selected as a Congressman, once.
Alfred was selected to be a Party President a total of two times. I think, I have to re-check this one.
Alfred created a party that is now popular in eGermany

Im not going to close this by saying "Vote for Alfred on Elections Day" or something similar as I do not want to tell you who to vote for but you should seriously consider this.

Thanks for your time!
Thanks in advance for votes and subs!

~Ciel Phantom, Socialist Party, Congress!~