
Day 644, 16:20 Published in Canada Canada by Monk Penman

For lack of anything to say, that might be said much better
Otherwise, or somewhere else, I send to you this letter.
Empty are my promises, as empty is my soul,
An empty headed, empty life has always been my goal.

I understand not politics, nor understand the weather,
For both discussed, it seems to me, to be just so much blether!
A promise is a promise... would the weatherman agree?
But a politician's promise is as empty as can be.

Now, I am much more honest, for I'll tell you to your face
That a vote for me is needed if I'm going to win this race.
And if I win, I promise you, that I shall not disgrace
My politician's promise to do nothing for this place...

Of course I'll TRY to serve you, but you have so many needs...
So many aspirations, and so very many creeds.
All things to all the people, yes that shall be my plan,
And thus I shall do nothing much, but do it with elan!