Air and Sea: the missing links in eRep

Day 819, 18:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

The Ocean was the foundation of the British Empire, is a massive part of the oil and food supply, and a strategic stronghold in any war. So the fact that Erepublik doesn't have any oceans at all is absurd. With some estimates saying 25 percent of the oil deposits in the world is under the sea. So how can you have oil as a raw material without oceans? For instance, the eUK has no oil even though there is huge deposits in the North Sea. However that isn't all, on top of this the world gets, over 156 millon tonnes of food from the ocean. Whilst food now only can be made from grain, would it not be fantastic to have a new supply of food. The skill of the worker would be how well he catches fish, and instead of buying raw material you would buyanufactured boats made of iron, titanium or even a new metal. Heck, you could throw wood in the mix for masts, and have companies making products out of two raw materials, which is far more realistic and a great next step past having companies with specific workers. Boats of course lead me to my next point, the Navy. It is one of the three armed forces every nation has, something you could add which would put so many to work, just like it does in real life. Imagine if we made destroyers, they would need all sorts of workers, for guns,the integral part of the boat, etc. and would add even more realism to the game. Also then you couldn't just attack the UK from America with the click of a button, but have to build boats to move your troops over. Then conquer say the North Atlantic Region losing boats in the process as they really do. Then if you win, you can attaack England. Now i am aware that this lowers the ability of a citizen to fight without being in the army. Yet thats the beuty of erepublik, whilst my idea may not be complete when everybody pitches in it can be(that means post with your idea).

Now of course with a Navy the addition of air forces is a must. It is already being half implemented in v2 and would be quite simple to fully implemente, with companies making bombers and fighters to try and lower walls, and win battles. Then Aircraft carriers, could come with this, and add ANOTHER level to the game. Alll of this expansion i just talked about would do exactly that, expand the game. In addition, this expansion is not hard to follow, its complexity coming from the addition of simple things. It would bring more players in and make everything more fun, it would mean a more strategic game. It would mean trade would now have to be conducted through boats, and thus nations could be blocked out economically. ANOTHER NEW TACTIC!!!!!!!!!! It would mean, a whole new level to the game, heck it qualifies as large enough to be an entire new version, that overall would make everything far more realistic, and nations far more dependent on active, flexible, and organized armed forces, not just two clickers following MOD orders. It would mean more realism as countries would now battle in oceans, and the skies. As they do in real life.

In short sea regions and air forces would be a fantastic addition, because they bring more jobs, more variety, more regions, more strategy, and best of all more fun. It would also mean more investment, more companies, and more things to do which would jack up the economy. A better economy means more money which means more possiblities. Everything makes more fun, and as we have more fun we have more players, and as a social game, that means MORE FUN. It just goes round and round and round with us having more and more fun. So lets have some sea regions, and air forces, and more fun!!!!!!!