Aid for the Young

Day 483, 14:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Liam Smith

hi all, i have started up a Org, to help people who are new into this game, since it is very hard to be young, the Org is called 1st bank of Israel, (i brought it of this guy) all i am asking is if anyone had any spare money from any coutry or even better food, could them please donate it to the Org, it will help the new people, if you give anything i will write down your name on a speical edition of my paper saying that you give something, please give, most of you know how hard it is to be young, the Org is called 1st bank of Irsael=

Come on lads and girls, show that Spanish that we are better at giving money to them, and this Org can only run if people can donate to it, i will never run away with it, people can trust me, i am wrting up a Doc for the people who help, and i will publish it later,
