After 1.5 year, the travel has just begun for me in eRepublik!

Day 1,283, 16:20 Published in Ireland Greece by Thanasis Klaras
Dear Irish friends,

I created my account in eRepublik on 8/2/10. I have to admit that I didn’t realize how this 1 and a half year passed. I am a former citizen of e-Greece. Unfortunately, stupidity, greed and a bunch of mentally sick people, led us to have a very boring and generally shity time there in e-Greece.

So, I, my unit Libertad and lots of other friends decided to get rid of them. This was not a very easy decision. You have to know that all us have tried very hard and for a very long time in order to help the greek community and also built a fair society, where players would help each other and the state would provide goods and support to everyone.

The truth is that we were defeated. But we have lost only because we understood that our fight is worthless. As I’ve said, stupidity is invisible.

After all of these, we decided to come here in Ireland! It’s a peaceful place without Mymidones, Lazocrats, Croatians and Serbs (hmmm after the latest battles I am not so sure… 😉 ). We are here because we appreciate the Irish community. I feel that I have to say that it’s reasonable from you to be afraid of a Greek PTO. You have provided us lots of cs and I could understand it if someone thought that this is an attempt of a PTO.

But it’s not right.. We are not here in order to take your country from you. Surely we have opinions, surely we have goals, but we are here because we would like to be a part of the Irish community.

We know that there are many things that we have to do in order to make it clear to all the Irish people that we are not here as enemies or conquers, but we are here because we are seeking for a new home…

The reason I am writing this article is to say to all of you THANK YOU!
Thank you for everything that you have done for us these days. Thank you for accepting my cs application and the applications of my friends.

I promise that I will do everything I can for the Irish community and I know that all of us will do the same.

Sooo, Nice to meet you lads! I believe that we will have a grate time! 🙂

PS1: I have to say that I am very sorry about my bad English. I hope that things will get better after some time (hopefully!)…

PS2: Don’t troll my article and especially in greek you scums..!