African Dignity

Day 819, 05:23 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Seems like I'll jump on the band wagon and write a little thank you to everyone who voted for me.

The election in the ADF was a forgone conclusion, being as I was the only one running. However, it's a good feeling, none the less, to wake up and have your Alert box spammed with "Congratulations, you have just been elected as president of your party." four or five times over.

The majority of the ADF's members were deployed to help combat the two PTOs that had been threatened, and, as much, I only received 37.5% of the party's votes. While the deployment certainly attributes to such low numbers, I feel this is an alert as to the true state of the ADF. These low numbers are a call to have the issue of membership fixed. And that will be a priority of mine, once a few things are wrapped up.

Firstly, The African Dignity Front is adopting a policy of non-partisan, game mechanic focused politics. The members of the ADF share a wide and varied political and social background. As a member of the ADF you are free, and welcomed, to think and do as you wish. You can support whomever you desire, and say your piece whenever you want.

Secondly, we will also be assuming a pro-military, anti-imperialist stance. South Africa has felt the boot of foreign oppression, but so have many others. We will speak out against resource piracy. We will make it a point to confront any and all nations or parties who either engage in, or support, this type of foreign policy, and we will not be cowed by threats or bullying.

To reflect these changes, the ADF will be changing from Center Left Libertarian to Center Libertarian. This will reflect our new attitude and our willing to accept friendship from all parts of South Africa and The New World.

These are only the first things done. I will be working over the next few weeks on the things I promised, and reaching out to other party presidents. Feel free to subscribe to the ADF’s newspaper, Words of Honesty (, as that is where I’ll be making party announcements from now on.

Again, thank you to those who supported me, both inside and outside of the African Dignity Front. There’s a lot of work ahead, and it’s time to get moving!