Advice Please?

Day 677, 06:19 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

A day or two ago I accidentally bought this company, and wrote this article about it, but it really did not ask the questions I want answered now.

Since I can't seem to sell it, I want to know what to do with it. It is a Q1 grain company in a high grain region (thankfully), with 3 market licenses. If I understand correctly, Raw Material companies are not profitable unless they are Q3 or higher (economics is not my specialty in this game, so don't judge me too hard if I am wrong on this). I do not have much money to hire people with, but I could save up for a few days if I decided to keep it.

My question is this. Should I continue to try to sell it? Or should I keep it? If I keep it, should I wait until I have the gold to upgrade its quality level before I start hiring? Or should I begin production immediately? Any tips on what to do would really be appreciated. I usually do not write articles like this, but I am really annoyed and could use the advice from people more experienced in the areas of in-game economy. For those of you looking for news articles, I will probably write one of those later in the day. Thanks ahead of time for your advice!