Advertising Integrity: Admins add who paid for this AD!

Day 701, 21:37 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

We see it all the time in the states. When political season comes along there is always that last few seconds dedicated to those lovely words "Paid for by:" followed by the organization or person responsible for the ad.

It is convenient. Everyone who sees the ad knows immediately whose interest the ad is for, and who put it out there. Everyone involved is immediately held accountable for their words, and actions.

This is the Reality in real life.

It is not the reality in eRepublik.

eJapan just witnessed an interesting few days where ads, acting like they were from the parties ULJ and SOS were posted with falsified information. This lead to massive confusion and some pretty bad words tossed around.

Neither party actually posted these ADs, an unknown third party did. However the damage done couldn't have been done if everyone seeing these ads had seen who funded and published them.

Anonymous ads can hurt people if someone decides to pretend to be a Party, Player, or Company that they are not, within their ad.

There is no limitation to this except for the victim to report the matter after the fact. By that time countless eRep citizens could have seen the ad and been effected by its false message.

We are not asking for much, a minor change in the code to add an additional line that states:

"Paid for by:" followed by the name of the account where the gold came from for the advertisement

This line should be immediately following the final line in the ad, right before the report button.

With this, no one can again pretend to be a player, party or organization they are not.

If you agree that the Admins/Developers should add this in please vote this up so we can reach international.