ADP...and the winner is?

Day 2,326, 14:08 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

Subliminal message - Join the Australian Democratic Party

So, over the last few days the Australian Democratic Party has been hosting a out-of-game competition to see who could get the highest score in kitten Cannon. We ran the competition over two articles as the winner with the highest distance of a Kitten thrown would receive 20 gold...if they were a member of the Australian Democratic Party and 10 gold if they weren't...

It was open to all citizens of all parties, of all nations because we like to roll that way. However if you were from any of Australians occupying nations then your score would be halved! So let's see who won then eh?

Subliminal message - Join the Australian Democratic Party

With a distance of 2,217ft (an almighty throw of a Kitten) the winner is - Willem The Conqueror and your 10 gold will be sent immediately...that's not all...

We said the person with the most interesting tabs open in their scrresnhot would get a prize, and we decided it would be 5 gold. And for the effort and hilarity the winner is - MarkTD for having tabs open for - ''How to destroy children'', ''poo porn'', ''17 girls, 2 cups'', ''naked Hugh Jardon'' and something else I refuse to repeat.

Congratulations all and thanks for participating.

Subliminal message - Join the Australian Democratic Party