Admins Why Not Ask Before You Act!

Day 1,572, 00:09 Published in USA Israel by giladrubin

Hello Fellow Citizens and Admins,

This article will be pretty short but direct ,
since i have been playing this game (just a few month now) ,
I have noticed that the admins are very active and like making
a lot of changes (That's a good thing i have to say).
Just there is a big problem with that.
Let me explain myself, admins u want to make the game better
and u really work hard to do so, why not ask?
I mean we are your "costumers, players , schema hmm well we are your everything".
U can make changes , it is even blessed that u do but for god sake .
Make A survey before u work so hard on making them, ask us what we think
about the upcoming change ( Don't just tell us to swallow it and shut up),
We play because we love the game , the final decision about a change is yours,
But Let the citizens have a say before pushing them out of the game *if u make a bad choice*!
Hope you will read this article and think about my idea !

Peace and a great weekend to everyone!