AdminLeaks: eRepublik fails part 2 (english)

Day 1,103, 15:19 Published in Serbia Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho


Lately there were a lot of personal messages from admin, most with changes or inivitations.

Few days ago admin announced that there will be no more xp points for every time you vote and it was said that this change was brought to us because of this article.
You can imagine how happy congress members were, there was no necessity for this change, xp points could be just reduced.

Presidents got an intriguing message about a week ago. This was supposed to be a secret but i'm sure many of you already know it.
They got message to meet on some mibbit channel with admin, where they were presented with new changes. Most of presidents voted no for new changes, but admin voted yes and there will be changes.
So what will the changes be?
Stone, titanium, oil and moving tickets companies will be removed from game and new ones will be implemente😛 saltpeter, fishing etc.
Basically "new world" will return to stone age. Also this is the third time admin f***ed up my companies and made them fail hardly.

New players
Things got a lot easier for new players, detailed info about it can be found here.
Bascially new players can become level 17 in one day.
They also get extremely rich and this made the "multiaccounting" even more desirable.
Seems like admins reverse any good changes (or not so good ones) with a couple of bad ones.
Of course older players are pissed off by this, since we worked hard for our levels. For example, since i created account i didn't work only 2 days and i'm level 24. 10 months of hard work, busting my ass off and i'm level 24, new player is level 17 in 1 day. Nice one admins, nice one.

Gold promo
A couple of days ago admin introduced "premium" package:
One gold for 1 euro with free extra storage for a month. This is no premium, this is ripoff as most of things admin does.

Let this be enough for now, more extras and leaks will come in next article.

System shutdown