Admini unistili eZemlju-Admins destroyed eEarth

Day 752, 11:59 Published in Serbia Serbia by shikimikson povratnik

Ovom nasem do sad savrsenom esvetu,nista nije smetalo,e od sada pocinju velike smetnje.

Nije ni pandemija,ni globalno zagrevanje,ni rat...nego su ga unistili Admini.I to kako:

Pa lepo,nasi "carevi" admini su poceli da ubacuju nove module.I tim novim modulima su unistili stare,meni se ucinillo da sam video nesto kao da se placa za vecu snagu to jest dmg,mislim to je totalno glupo (makar po meni).Onda meni se izbrisala opcija "search citizen",a ja mislim i drugima,sto znaci da ebebe nece imati kontakte,pomoc,savete...i da ce brzo napustati eRepublik.Zatim su napisali "new feature",a nista nisu ubacili,i za kraj zbog chata,i jos nekih gluposti eRepublik je bio ubagovan do bola! Pogledajte moj prosli clanak O adminima,bez pitalice.I za kraj oni su ubacili "chat room" koji samo "pali" neiskusne igrace da ih prave,a oni koji ne znaju pa bezveze bace 20golda,evo vam nas chat

Engleska verzija ovo mora znati ceo svet koji vidi clanak!
English version

Admins destroyed our eEarth.

Our perfect eworld isnt perfect anymore.Why?

This is not pandemic or war or global heating...our perfect eworld is destroyed by Admins! How?

Well,our "emperor" Admins are started to insert new modules in this game.And with that modules,they destroyed old.I think I see something like you pay 1 gold and they upgrade your strenght.That 's silly! Then all citizen are lost options to "search citizen", and with that new players-"ebabes" get they first contact,and help and advice in eRepublik.Now most of "ebabes" will leave the game,because they dont understand anything,and they cannot ask anyone.Then above options "my places" its write "new feature" and there isn't be any feature.Then all day eRepublik has been bugged because they insert this modules and they,make chat rooms for all countries.That chat rooms tricks all greeness to spend 20 gold for chat rooms...I 100% sure that all countries have chat on another site,and only greeness dont know for it.Then I appel to all,to give chat site for their countries,I give them too (that second link).

Hvala na paznji i Prijatno!

Vas Shikimikson!

Thanks on regard Cosly!

Your Shikimikson!