ADF; March 3rd

Day 834, 08:16 Published in South Africa South Africa by African Dignity Front

We have Johannesburg. At long last we have Johannesburg. What began as a dishonorable take over of our government by cooperating elements found both in Brazil and Indonesia, The Second Republik fell to manipulation.

Now, we are one region away from our total and complete sovereignty. Everyone is excited and elated, and understandably so. Who would not celebrate under these circumstances? We have fought as hard as we could, mobilizing our entire army, coordinating resources, and acting with the pivotal aid of our allies.

But this is not over. Brazil, for all their faults, and there is a laundry lists of faults in the vocal minority of Brazilians, are proud, bordering on egotistical. They will not allow this slight to go unpunished, for in their self centered views, they are the ones who have been wronged.

Currently, there are Brazilians who are claiming they will run for South African congress. These claims follow claims of military superiority and threats of conquest. It's laughable. One Brazilian will you tell you they will crush us under the treads of their tanks. The other Brazilians tells us they will best us through a PTO.

There's so much crap flying that it's hard to know what to believe. But I can tell you one thing for certain; the vocal minority of Brazilians who make it their business, their sole purpose for playing this game, to troll our media, and the media of our allies, are completely, and wholely, without an ounce of credibility or honor.

Brazilians who have made their intentions of PTO clear;
Jazar (
Hugan (
Gabriel Kusanagi (

This list will grow. I will keep it updated. Some months ago I wrote an article revieling statements made by Jazar that he planned on using undesirable, rogue elements in our government against us. This man has openly declared that he intends to use the assistance of known hackers, who have not only targeted individuals in the eSA government, both in game and out of game, but who have attacked Erepublik servers, in order to further his own goals.

You want to conquer South Africa? That's fine. Play the game. But for God's sake, don't use the help of those who'd take this game away from all of us. What is wrong with you people?

The threats that were made by Brazil months ago are even more potent now. There is a great canker lurking in South Africa. Argentina is not the goal we should be focusing on. We need to focus on securing our political future in the face of PTO, made by Brazil in collaboration with people who would have The New World as their own.

Epic Thoughts