ADF; February 24th

Day 827, 11:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by African Dignity Front

It is with great pride that I announce the African Dignity Front's candidates for February's congress.

Dreadnuts the Mighty is an experienced player of rare caliber. DtM, as he's called by friends, has served heavily and prominently in the eUS armed forces and has also served a term in the eUS congress. Dreadnuts was also pivotal in the downfall of Ajay Bruno, reveling Ajay's role in a (overly) complicated and ultimately futile attempt at a PTO.

DtM is running in The Eastern Cape on the Independent Alternative's ballot. Dreadnut's article, which details his profile and qualifications for congress, can be found here ( Good luck, my friend!

Our other candidate is our very own Bishop-X. To be honest, I didn't really know Bishop-X until just recently. But in the few months since we formally met, I've come to believe a great deal in this man. He won a seat in congress during the January elections, and has since then performed to the level and ability I'd expect any member of the ADF to function at. He speaks his mind, and is respectful and polite. Bishop is the sort of player that is sorely lacking in South Africa, and his continued presence in congress will only serve as an example for everyone to follow.

Bishop-X is running in Mpumalanga on the IA ballot as well. A short article, in which he promises to do as his constituents wish, can be found here (

A special thank you goes out to the Independent Alternative, all their members, and their president, mulderpf. Mulderpf contacted me the night prior to the PP elections, with a sincere eagerness to work together. He's proven his intent and ability as a leader, and the IA has shown itself to be a true corner stone of South Africa.

The help you've given to the ADF will not be forgotten, this I swear.