ADF; February 21st

Day 824, 07:18 Published in South Africa South Africa by African Dignity Front

This country is in a state of emergency. Its not an emergency like when Indonesia attacked us, and it's not an emergency when the Channers prepared to make their move. It's an emergency based on short sightedness and less than stellar leadership.

People are leaving this country. That's a major problem. It's almost become trite to say we want a baby boom. But one thing that's even more important than gaining new player is keeping the old ones.

Why are people leaving? Because our leadership has allowed one single issue, complained about by one single man to become the focal point of every single person in South Africa. Ben was banned from the IRC. He threw a fit. He published an article. And it should have ended there.

But it didn't. The entire nation was preparing for war with Argentina, but with no movement from the president's office, everyone allowed themselves to be distracted that we're now calling this idiot drivel the 'IRC Wars'.

Where is our president? Why does he not reach out to South Africa and provide unity and stop this stupidity? Mark! Stand up! Do something! You're the president for God's sake. And your silence during these issues is one of the worst things you could possibly do.

This is the time to shine, Mr. President. You need to find some inspiration and do something now.

Right now.