ADF; February 17th

Day 820, 10:52 Published in South Africa South Africa by African Dignity Front

Firstly, I’d like to invite any member of the African Dignity Front who is interested in running for congress to message the organization with your letter of intent. We currently have an agreement with the Independent Alternative to run some of our members on their ballot.

Personal politics, age, experience, and popularity will have no bearing on your ability to run for congress in the ADF. This party is now non-partisan. You are free to do as you will and say what you want, as long as your loyalties are to The Third Republic. I do want to see some of our younger members become more involved, and the party will move to assist them during their campaigns. If anyone has a desire to see themselves as a congress member, I ask that you please contact this org, and we’ll do what we can.

As time is of the essence, we will have a limited window of application. Letters of intent must be received by Sunday night on the 21st. This is to allow for the necessary coordination between our party and our friends in the IA.

I’d like to thank the IA, and their current president, mulderpf, for this gracious privilege. I don't agree with the mechanics that keep smaller parties from being represented in congress, but you folks are showing that there is truly a desire to be non-partisan in South Africa.

Secondly, I will be petitioning the moderators on South Africa’s national forum to host an African Dignity Front sub-forum. The information required for a sub-forum to be created is of minor detail, as they require to know only who will be ‘managing’ the sub-forum, if there is any desire to have the forum further broken down into other categories, and if we want to have any sort of special look or design.

I’d like any member suggestions to be sent to this org as well, and I hope to have everything in order for the moderators within a week or so from now. If you’d like to help manage the sub forum, or if you have an idea for design or graphics, please let me know and we’ll see what happens.

Stay strong, South Africa.

Epic Thoughts