ADF 1st Medium Infantry Battalion Briefing

Day 528, 12:21 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Before I get started with this briefing, I’d like to introduce myself to you guys. Some of you know me, but I see a lot of new faces. That’s a good thing in my book. You’re all here for your own reasons. Some of you are proud, patriotic Germans. Some of you are from other nations. Some of you want to fight PEACE. Some of you just want to fight. I’m not going to differentiate between your motivations. What matters is that you’re here, and that you do as supposed to.

Tomorrow will be the three month anniversary of when I started playing this game. I’ve done a lot, having been born in America, I moved to South Africa two months ago, than to Germany, and joined the ADF among one of the first rounds of recruiting.

And I have pissed off a whole bunch of people from PEACE. I can’t stand those guys. So if you’re here to kick their teeth in, let me tell you that you’re in good company.

You can call me Epic Thoughts, Epic, ET, you stupid American, or that damn, loud, annoying Yank. I don’t care. You need help; get a hold of me. You have question; get a hold of me. You want to complain; leave me alone. If I can’t answer a question for you, I’ll do what I can to figure it out. If I can’t figure it out, I’ll go find someone who can.

Now, onto the matter at hand.

All ADF members need to report for duty in South Africa. These orders are not optional. All soldiers are to be fighting in and for South Africa. All soldiers currently outside of South Africa should contact ADF command via the forums and request moving tickets. Some soldiers are currently stationed behind enemy lines in Indonesia. They should request two tickets, and first move to a nation that is not currently at war with South Africa, then, with the second ticket, move to South Africa.

All ADF soldiers should be stationed in Gautang, where South Africa has a Q4 hospital. Each soldier should only fight four times (not five, as we did in Podilia), than use the hospital. Rules of engagement remain unchanged; train first, fight second, heal third, work fourth.

Visit the ADF forums daily for orders from high command.

The nature of this battle is changing right now, so stay loose, stay ready, and be prepared to use your own initiative. Keep your eyes open and be ready to act at a moment’s notice.

Any time you are unable to fight for the day, or have issues that will be render you unable to fight, please contact me. I don’t need excuses, and you don’t have to explain anything, I just ask that you let me know if you’re unable to be there.

Gentleman, we are the First Medium Infantry Battalion. We did not come here to fight. We are the fight!