Addressing the opposition

Day 949, 10:15 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Okay guys the United Zionist Party Army fo Zion project has gotten a lot of negative feedback from some.

I actually like the constructive and reasonable feedback some people have been making on why the AoZ is a bad idea. I think debate and argument is good for democracy and good for this nation and its great to hear opposing views.

What I dont like is some of the mindless comments which attack UZP the AoZ and people who support it. Many of these comments are baseless and make accusations not supported by facts in any way.

At the same time whats so annoying about these hurtful comments is that they usually talk about uniting eIsrael and how the AoZ is destroying it which is fine but I find it hypocritical they are accompanied by a large number of insults.

I saw no point in trying to debate with people on comments about the AoZ because it would do no good.

Lets look at the facts......

The eIsraeli Defense Force is a great organization which I have served in. I was a Squad Leader I was a Platoon leader I was on the High Command and I was the eIDF Press Director. I not only donated my time and effort to make the eIDF better and ask any of my COs or those I worked with but I also donated over 40 gold to it from my treasure of kings.

People attacking me personally saying that I hate the eIDF and want to destroy it with my own private army and all this is nonsense.

Whats even more disgusting is people attacking Maelyn and SVV for there participation in the AoZ.

Many of the people attacking them are people ive never heard of and have no right to attack these 2 individuals who did more for this country and the eIDF in particular then anyone else.

They made the eIDF they built it from the ground up and they donated all there time and effort to make it a truly great organization.

But what happened?

Well many of you might no and thats partly the fault of the eIsraeli media which is hypocritical and backwards and times. Making large efforts to start a crusade against the AoZ while little to nothing is said regarding the state of our Military and Defense.

When PK came to power he was supported by Sababa so he naturally was forced to give them the majority of his cabinet which he did. I was the only Native English Speaker on his cabinet. So much for mending the Hebrew English Divide huh?

Also side note this was all after PK came to me and asked to form a coalition against Sababa. he never got back to me but the next day he announced he had Sababa Support on FXP.

But anyways his Minister of Defense is Matanb. A Smart guy no one can doubt this. But a strange choice for MoD considering he told me and PK personally prior to the elections his intentions to Disband the eIDF.

I was shocked at this choice and told PK many times that he made a mistake making him MoD especially while we where being invaded. He assured me everything will be alright.


But what happened next.. Well it was decided during our war with Turkey the best strategic move was to fire the general of the eIDF Maelyn and replace her with Bloodger. Bloodger is a nice guy but he has no experience to lead the eIDF in any way shape or form. He was an XO of one of my Squads in 2nd Platoon Prior to this.

What happened after this is that we got conquered by Turkey they again liberated and thats where we are now.

Since then there have been mass resignations from the eIDF and we lost most of our competent active officers.

the eIDF fell in disrepair as activity levels dropped and the roster became un updated.

PKs vision for the eIDF prior to V2 is to simplify it. Basically meaning he wanted to get rid of all the work maelyn and others put in in preparation for v2 and instead simplify the whole thing.

I guess simplifying means let the whole thing fall apart and then blame everyone else for the problems of the eIDF.

Thank god the Army of Zion was here to be used as a scape goat for the problems of the military. It seems PK has plenty of time on his hands to bash parties and attack individuals same with many other people in this administration but why is it so hard for him to instead start maybe working on fixing up the eIDF rather then continue to blame others for why it isnt working.

Who knows but what I do know is that the Army of Zion has nothing to do with the destruction of our nations military and has nothing to do with dividing the country.

Wanna know what is dividing the country? Replacing competent people in government with political assets and friends.

Or campaigns dedicated to destroy people reputation and legitimacy just because they dont agree with you.

PK and others talked about how they liked the "Old UZP"

Well the old UZP had a paramilitary branch too. The Macabee strike force of UZSP. Many of you where members of the party when they had it.

Im sure many disagreed to it on whether or not it was needed or worth it which are reasonable criticism but i dont think anyone attacked it for destroying the eIDF and bringing down this nation.

I want to let everyone know that there is no feature in game where we can overthrow the government.

Right now all the Army of Zion is is a List of names with wellness strength values and a column for roll calls.

Thats it. if you think that somehow by having a paramilitary force we can weaken the defense of the nation then your wrong.

All we can do is click a button that says "Attack" like everyone else. The president is still the one who decides IN GAME where to attack and when to retreat.

Most people in the AoZ are also in or have been in the eIDF and all hat means is there name is on two piece of paper instead of one.

People are exaggerating what it means to be in a Paramilitary and what it can do. As it says in our article we are dedicated to the defense of eIsrael and its people.

Nothing more nothing less.

And with that Im gonna end my rambling and hope everyone can get a long and stop fighting .

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly yours,