Addressing Some Claims Against Germany

Day 441, 15:27 Published in United Kingdom Germany by Justin Tyme

Recently, there has been a lot of speculation and accusation regarding Germany that is blatant misinformation. I would like to take the time to honestly discuss some of these claims. I give you my word that I am being utterly sincere in this article- I swear that I am being truthful else I be damned to hell.

Some are saying that an MPP with the UK is just so "Germany can use the UK and toss it aside later". These claims are utter nonsense; for what reason would Germany so carelessly toss aside relations with the UK? We have the most absolute respect for the UK; we consider every nation that has good relations to Germany, such as the UK, to be friendly. To tarnish our mutual good relations would be foolish and uncalled for. The people saying Germany wants to "use" the UK make baseless claims that have no legitimacy.

Others say that Germany intends to somehow drag the UK into a future war with Poland. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS; what happened 6+ months ago has absolutely nothing to do with the current administration and I personally condemn Germany's war against Poland. These are more baseless claims that hold no water, it shouldn't even be discussed because there is nothing TO discuss.

And now, a quote from Toothpaste:

"The change is a god damn sweet news for Sweden and ATLANTIS but bad news for PEACE and the Moving Ticket industry. With this new rule and some careful planning we should be able to conquer what should be ours and make a giant autobahn out of Germany."

Taken from

This is a blatantly bombastic and aggressive statement, the words speak for themselves. However, that is not the only incendiary article made by Toothpaste against Germany:

This is a translated version of Toothpaste's recent article regarding an alleged "PEACE" (more likely independent mafias) attack on Sweden's economy:

"My guess is that it is Germany (PEACE) that are on the go. They fear that we will attack them as soon as the admin gave the go-ahead to start the war again (today is the war blocked)."

Another baseless claim that is a dangerous statement. Shouldn't the President not make such incendiary implications? when I read this, I didn't even know what Toothpaste was talking about. He IS correct however that Germany fears Sweden will attack us; but why does he think this? Because it is he himself who drove relations to this point.

If anyone would like to ask a question, feel free to do so in the comments. I believe proper discourse is important in diplomacy, and I hope this article can serve as a starting point. I'll try to answer as many legitimate questions anyone has about this situation.

I realize that with the recent media articles, this may appear to be untrustworthy. However, I challenge anyone that believes I am not being honest to prove it. Unlike others, I have no reason to lie. Like I said, I absolutely swear on my heart that I am being honest and sincere. I have a lot of respect for the UK, as does all of Germany, so these recent acts of misinformation is tragic and sad.