About Attack Ads

Day 954, 10:24 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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Even in the midst of all of yesterday's chaos, the POTUS race and various campaigns march relentlessly forward. However, there is one part of campaigning that should be stopped, or, to be frank, should have never started in the first place.

There have been some attack ads showing up recently. The person running them is slandering AidenAstrup, saying things like “AidenAstrup does not have the experience to be President”, and directing the people viewing it to vote for, in this case, the BradleyReala campaign (there was one up a few days ago directing voters to the GF (Never Forget, 6-30-10) campaign).

The Bradley Reala campaign is not running these ads, just as the GF campaign was not running the ads a couple days ago. We have suspicions about who is, but would not like to name them at this time.

What we would like to say is that we do not support this type of campaigning. From the beginning of this campaign season, we have been focused on keeping the campaign clean. We do not support mudslinging, we do not support attacks on the other candidates, and we strongly condemn these ads, which go beyond mudslinging because of the way they harm both Aiden's campaign and whichever campaign is endorsed in the ad.

In my own opinion, I would like to say that whoever is running these ads is a coward and a power-hungry ***tard, someone who clearly has strong opinions about Aiden, but is too scared to express them honestly and would rather bring a clean campaign down with them.

I wish I didn't have to write this article today. But that train of thought will have to wait. Stay tuned.

Signing off,