A Visit from Civil Anarchy

Day 4,776, 20:08 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
No: 34 Day: 4777

Man, after drinking a little too much "Death Wish Coffee" and spending most of the day in the somewhat dusty and musty SFP Forum, cleaning out the cobwebs, repainting everything, hauling in new furniture, you know, getting it ready for the Great Workingpeeps Cultural Renaissance and whatnot, I was really feeling knackered.

So. I took a break and relaxed by spending a little time trying to plonk my way through Luis Milàn's "Pavana I". All those big beautiful chords put me into some kind of trance I guess.

I started getting a little woozy and then started having visions of Civil Anarchy, back from the e-dead, giving me advice...

The following is a brief graphic representation of my visitation from a ghost of Party Presidents Past.

I always respected Civ. For one thing, he had a kick-ass avatar. He always worked to push the SFP to do more, to engage more, to grow, to push its limits and stuff. And though he'd lose his temper sometimes, he almost always had something interesting to say.

Hey RF, man, how are ya? PQ sends his regards from the other side.

I set aside the guitar, fired up a Cuban and listened to what he had to say. He seemed to be talking in my head, so I didn't actually say anything. You know how that goes. Just tried to concentrate a bit more...


Keep your spirits up. There's brighter days ahead!

I didn't believe that for a minute. But whatever.
Ruh-roh. Then he started to sparkle. Maybe that wasn't just a Cuban? Damn that Bill Galaxia, always leaving his giant blunts lying around our den. And me with my senses of taste and smell still all wonky from the 'rona. How am I supposed to know the difference between taback and wack?

Here it sounded like he was singing bits from the original German version of "Major Tom".

Then he just kind of froze into a beautiful anarko-commie stained glass for while, like some kinda goddam revolutionary ikon.

Which then started to melt. Seemed like he was trying to say something. Sounded a bit like "Grootsux", maybe, I couldn't be sure. And he was wearing one of those damned masks. Might've been "great socks". I do have some great socks.

Whoa! That's about when I realized I was sound asleep. Or at least I thought so.

I shook myself awake, or thought I did, and there he was, fading away into mist. "Protect the Noobs!", he said, as he dissipated into the aether.

Awake at last, I realized I'd never actually lit the Cuban. Had just fallen asleep with the guitar in my hands. I looked at the music stand and there was this Polaroid! I swear it hadn't been there before.

Thanks Civ! Nice to see you again.

OK. That's it for today turtle-friends. Be well and keep swimming.

And remember to take a ride on the Revolutionary-Freedom bus!

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