A Strange Thing Happened in eNippon....

Day 805, 23:05 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas
SOS Candidate for President of the Country Vote

Every month the SOS Brigade members are allowed to nominate a person they would vote for fore Country President. Every month I, as Party President, take into consideration all these nominations, and the person nominated the most becomes our candidate. I find out reasons why they are running, why my members supported them, and I write up a nice article.

This month I was faced with a dilemma.

My SOS Party Members were nominating me.

Now while I feel myself a capable and caring Congresswoman, and a steady and dependable Party President, I am far from Naive to think that I would do at all well as a Country President.

So, honestly, at first I ran. I told everyone "nononono!" I couldn't do it!

But then well.... something happened.

A strange thing happened

One could blame it on stress of applying to various things in real life, mixed with perhaps easy going, yet totally insane company... with a dash of one of my SOS members asking me with all honesty "but.... what if i want you as CP? "

Who am I, to say that I believe in listening to the people, to my party, and serving their will, and then to.... to just ignore something my party was trying to tell me? I mean honestly!

So yeah, against all reason and logic in my brain, I'm running. I mean, I trust my party, and if this is what they want then so be it.

So what if....

There is a flying pig running around and I win?

Well then I will just do what I usually do, but as president.

I will gather up a group of people who could advise me, ask them to advise me.

Let the Ministers who are rockin' their jobs like Ember and Kuro keep said jobs and get them whatever they want or need within reason.

I'll listen to congress, I will listen to political parties, I will listen to citizens.

I will not act without asking, I will suggest only ideas I might think are good, but I will ultimately leave everything in the hands of the people.

I will be active, as always. I'm here you know I'm here, and my Brigade members can tell you I take care to talk to everyone, no matter who it is to help resolve their problems.

So it isn't like me winning would suck right?

Wont you all join me for watching for pigs in the sky on election day?

Thanks for putting up with me, and yes, I think I'm crazy too.

For SOS! I trust you guys!
