A Solid Decision

Day 775, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

I would like to open by saying that Jewitt has done a solid job as President this past month, I respect him and feel he accomplished what he set out to do over the last few weeks. That being said, a candidate has emerged that shows the right mix of ideas, tenacity and common sense to lead us into this new year and keep the United States progressing further down the path of success.

The Woxan/ligtreb ticket is one built around doing what makes sense. It is easily seen in their platform. Woxan has worked with Congress, both as a Congressman himself and as a White House Cabinet member, and he understands that sometimes that relationship can grow strained. Sometimes the two bodies do not work with each other as well as they should. That is why he proposes to take steps to ensure that the two bodies work in concert with each other, instead of butting heads.

While the eUS is blessed with a large population and many resources, we are still learning to play the game and working to get our citizens to higher strength levels, so that we can inflict the most damage on our enemies. Woxan understands that this is still a work in progress and has plans for long term citizen education efforts that will inform, influence and aid our citizenry in becoming a smarter, stronger, more dynamic force in the world. A force of citizens that can meet any challenge and overcome any obstacle.

I understand the concerns, the qualms about choosing between a candidate with the accomplishments of the past month backing him and one with many achievements and promises, but no record as President. However, if given the chance, Woxan will surely do a good job and that is why he has gained the support of past eUS Presidents Harrison Richardson and Josh Frost and many members of the Congress of the eUnited States.

On January 5th, vote Woxan/ligtreb

-Daniel Dodge

4-Term Congressman
Director of Communications, America's Advancement Party
Member, AAP Congressional Election Committee
Deputy Director, The Salvation Army
Regional BOSS-Northern Europe, eUS Department of State
Private, eUS Home Guard