A Smilie Not for the Faint Hearted

Day 576, 19:36 Published in USA USA by livingabroad

In the RL, things are a lot like UNO. Those familiar with the game would be aware that it bases a large deal on luck and what you do with what comes your way. Mistakes are costly but can be fixed, everything depends on what the people around you are doing. You pray for the cards that will send you on the way to great and better things, and eventually, winning.

In a social strategy game like our eRepublik it is trimmed down to being mostly dependent on what you do, what your neighbor does, and what your country does. You control so much more it is almost the perfect Utopia. No flying cars or understandable GPS', but you have the chance to do so much that in RL bad cards keep you from accomplishing. Think about it, you want to run for congress, well here all you have to do is press a button at the level of 12 that anyone can accomplish with enough patience. In RL, you have to be better off, be able to have some sort of higher education, and it all has to do with where you are born. Take for example being born into a Republican house with Republican parents in a state like Massachussetts, you stand no chance of becoming a congress member. It's unthinkable that you would become the President of Australia or the UK.

Every constitution forbids it, now you can become the President of any country in the world, granted you know their language, but yet again that is in your power to do. You can spread your ideals and thoughts through the Forum, get individual responses from Presidents in hours. Fight in battles without dying, it's heaven for many young men.

Think if it was the other way around, if the real world was based off the eRepublik world, think what would change. Granted the people per square mile would be very small, but the concept that anybody can achieve. That bullshit that most RL Conservatives in the U.S.A. believe that says hard work gets you where you need to go. Try being born into a homeless family, not being able to go to school for need of having to support the family, never getting an education, and getting nowhere in the world. The balance is off, eRepublik has it set right.

Congratulations creators of eRepublik for doing such a great job, though we will have to see how things shape out when more people join the game, as is destined.