A slap in the face.

Day 784, 09:55 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Following a tip of by a friend It seems that following on from my last article 'The Judas of Sol'
That treason is easily forgiven and forgotten in the eUS.
The very woman that betrayed us to eBrazil has now been admitted to the eUS Airborne.
So now the leading member of EDEN has admitted a woman who betrayed an EDEN member to it's millitary.
This is a slap in the face! We should be invading Brazil and punishing those who betrayed us. Instead eAmerica forgives, forgets and then recruits the tratiours.

What does this say about the allaince we are joining? That they are ready to forgive so easily those who stab thier allies in the back? And what does this say about us?

This slap in the Face must not go unanswered! As an eAustralian Citizen i call upon our Goverment to ask the eUSA why this is happening! And more importantly ask the eUSA to throw this dog from thier ranks!

Comrade Robb

with thanks to a valuable friend
(who I don't know if they want to remain annon or not 😁