A Serious Plan for Female Retention

Day 996, 19:03 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

As you know there is a big lack of female players in eRepublik. This is because this game does not have much for female players to be interested in, war, politics and the economy are the biggest parts of the game with the media being a secondary function.

Then you also have all the 'lanas' such as Emma the v2 ugly Lana and your hot neighbor Lisa. The Admins took away the coolest guy in eRepublik, Plato and replaced him with yet another women. The advisors all being female are not helpful to retention of female eRepublikans.

That is why I propose the addition of simple things that would help raise female retention rates, such as the installation of male advisors for those who picked female as their eCitizen's sex, or the re-installation of Plato because he's a cool guy. But there is one thing that could be implanted into the game that would hugely increases the rate of female retention and that is, a kitchen.

Instead of training female citizens could chose to work in the kitchen and make food to sell, this could work almost as a food company but for just one person. Maybe one day the Admins will introduce eMarriage as an official part of the game as well.

Yes, the first part is a serious proposal but the kitchen part is not.