A Serious Need For Economic Discussion and Policy Making

Day 332, 10:06 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Since we have been able to make economic policies as congressmen (I love how it says "Mr. Congressman" to me...so sexist), very few have passed. And, my question remains: why? But, the answer to my question remains...well...unanswered. Nobody has been debating the policies brought to the table. People are simply voting yes and no. Sure, some of them (like Vanja's 1337 TRY minimum wage) are ridiculous and do not require discussion. But, there has been plenty of worthwhile legislation brought to the table that deserved more than a flippant yes or no vote.So, today, with the hopes of fostering a real discussion, I am proposing a 75% import tax on grain. I think this is a good place to start considering that 99% has been shot down...twice. I hope that this time people will chime in on why they voted the way they voted. Hopefully, we can use this information to plan policy in the future.(I had a much more eloquent article, but eRepublik ate it when it booted me out and forced me to sign in again...wtg bugs in V1!)
Amendment: I forgot to congratulate burakkocamis for introducing a minimum wage proposal.  While 5 try seems low, at least it is a reasonable place to start.