A romanian in Canada

Day 844, 10:10 Published in Canada Romania by Impresio


Hello my dears Canadians!

About me:
A little biography:
My first user [cristi] was borned in the second day of eRepublik BETA, but I was banned because I user multiple citizen acounts. After this mistake and unhappy moment I made this user, Impresio. I am a very active user who helped eRomania when it needed and I was always optimistic and I believed that all things will end well.

I`ve started my political career of the beginning of this user, Impresio. I was the president of Romanian Socialists Party. After that when dani36 was romanian president I was minister for a day, when I was kicked out because I lied. Now I am congressman from Liberal Party.

I`ve writen interesting articles and some statistics about EDEN, eRomania and many others. Always I had a point of view and for this thing I was apreciated and I`ve got 170+ subscribers.

I am a member of a military unit [Romanian Air Force - Delta]. I`ve fought always to official orders. I am captain with a damage of 7205/9000.

I like Canada! Why? Because Canada always knew which are the true allies and the true enemies. All the citizens knew who are the best presidents and congressmans for this country and they took the best decisions for countrie's citizens.

Romanian-Canadian relationships:
No, I'm not Romanian Ambassador in Canada, but I want to have a good cooperation with you and I hope that we will develop very good relationship.

I will move in canada after this term of congressman because I want to help this country with all my powers and use my skills make it a strong country!

Good Luck Canada!