A Request

Day 971, 13:35 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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So (EDIT: today) is my birthday IRL.

Now, we all know the admins aren't the most reliable when they tell us when something will be happening. But this time, please, admins, don't disappoint me. You know what I want to see on my birthday?


A cure to our current boredom. A solution to the unrest. So please, admins, please, let me see this today:

Not this:

That's all for today, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing.

Btw, I was very surprised at how my last article was received. I'm planning on writing an article in the next few days replying to some of the more interesting comments that were left. Thanks for getting me my first top 5, too 😃.

Signing off,