A Reminder Of Who We Are

Day 1,090, 08:07 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Who are we?

We tend to forget who we are sometimes.

We forget what this game is about.

We simply forget.

I thought how funny it would be to have all the people in eIsrael meet up in Real Life. Could you imagine that happening?

PK and Dean would sit together for a bit, yuvy and bar tur would come over and talk. Yibgib would barge through the doors with a blunt in his hand and scream the most random things. Gavin would go "tsk tsk tsk" and resume his talks with John Jay, Hoss, and George Griffin. Ender would come in, and John Jay would go right up to him and show him his muscles. They would then have a contest to see who could do more push-ups. Rheinlander would walk on in with a sign that says I3, and everyone would laugh in good fun. Zaib would come on in, and everyone would cheer for this eHero of eIsrael. All the Matans would come in at the same time, questioning why each had taken the name Matan. More and more people would flooding in, and eventually, you would have every eIsraeli in that room.

And then it would get quiet.

We would go around the room, and every person would get an opportunity to say 4 answers to 4 questions:

1. Why are you in eIsrael?
2. Why have you stayed?
3. What is your favorite thing about eIsrael?
4. What is your goal while in eIsrael?

The answers would vary between each person, everyone would laugh when Dan Ender says "to troll in IRC, why else?" The goals of everyone would turn out to be almost the same for everyone: To help eIsrael become a great country.

Another moment of silence as people thought about the answers their friends and rivals had given; how similar they were to their own!

The mass of people would eventually begin to leave; friends and gamers hugged, said their farewells, and began to depart. Pictures were taken, autographs exchanged, laughs and shouts alike were heard.

Finally, everyone was gone. Back to being forgetful.

Or did they go back that way? Maybe the meeting had changed their thought process. PK thinks to himself, "Did Gavin really think that way?" Ender goes home and looks up the Basic Training of a US Marine to see if John Jay was telling the truth. No, everyone goes home changed. A different thought about this game.

Maybe it is more than a game. Maybe eIsrael is more than just a country inside of a game.

Maybe it's a community of people sharing a common bond.


Sam Krakower