A Proposal: Fortress eAmerica

Day 650, 11:52 Published in USA USA by Nohari Starr

My fellow eUSA citizens,

The time has come to take stock in our current environment and make preparations for the future of our nation.
As I write this, the battle for California rages... the fate of two eNations hanging in the balance. Should we be victorious, it is almost assured that we will have broken the back of the eIndonesian war machine. If not, the eUSA will be forced to take a path of incremental advances towards the goal of regaining our lost states/regions. In either event, our eyes must be turned towards the future, and our place within it. I humbly submit my suggestions here:

Whether we lose or win back Californial, we MUST learn the lessons of the war with PEACE. That is, that regardless of game mechanics, alleged admin favoritism, or internal debate, the soil of eUSA must remain inviolate, or a terrible cost must be exacted should any enemy decide to attack us. In a perfect eWorld, every single eUSA region would have Q5 Defense and a Q5 Hospital, so that other nations would never even think to create a plan that directly attacks us. As we have failed so miserably in the task of deterrance, our "Aura of Invincibility" has been pierced, if not completely destroyed. We, as eUSA citizens, companies, and political leaders, have the unenviable task of rebuilding our reputation even as we rebuild our nation.

So to that end, I submit that in the near future (the next quarter) we must concentrate the efforts of our government and civilian captains of industry to one goal; which is the defense of our nation above all other concerns. In game terms, what I am calling for is a two-part investment in our nation that will ensure that the natural resources of our eCountry are harnessed correctly, and that we are able to establish our place as a REAL superpower on the eWorld stage.

The Goal? Fortress eAmerica. If there are any scholars of military history out there, they should have first shuddered at that term, then placed their hand on their chin with the thought "Go on...."

The path: The government of the eUSA must identify the most strategically advantageous regions within our control, and fortify them to their maximum potential. That is to say that any "Priority One" regions must have a Q5 Hospital built there, at the very minimum.

My definitions of a Prority One, Priority Two, and Priority Three region are as follows:

Priority ONE (P1): Two HIGH resources within, or a population count equal to or greater than 10% of the total population

Priority TWO (P2): Two MEDIUM resources within, or one HIGH and one MEDIUM resource within.

Priority THREEE (P3): At least one MEDIUM resource within, along with a minimum number of ACTIVE companies or citizens as specified by the current Senate/Government.

Why the detailed breakdown and prioritization categories? Simple: It allows the eUS government to make decisions without revealing which regions are being upgraded and which are still vulnerable. The simplest goal of Fortress eAmerica is to ensure that we can win every war through simple attrition, since the cost to take the strategically valuable regions will be so high to any aggressor. The next benefit is that it allows eUSA citizens to act from their preferred region without having to incur a greater burden of moving, voting, or fighting from a place they didn't originally plan to (rea😛 new players will not abandon us because they were unlucky enough to start during the middle of the greatest war in the history of eRepublik).

Obviously, the massive infrastructure required would create quite a challenge to create, but I believe in our people and their abilities. Our goal should be to help EVERY eAmerican learn how to do more than level-up and fight. In fact, we should set a goal to ensure that every eAmerican knows how to create and run a company of their own, so that they may contribute to the common defense on their own, needing government assistance (moving tickets, weapons) only if a war has grown so large or lasted so long that non-military assistance is needed.

I won't go on much more except to say that if some of this doesn't make sense, it's because I've intentionally left out a few important specifics (We are at war, after all). I would encourage any interested Senator to contact me to discuss my ideas... And yes, this will be a part of my platform in running for office in the next election. Any and all feedback is encouraged.