A Promise to Never Forget

Day 796, 19:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Tonight marks a momentous occasion for South Africa. Tonight, one of the great oppressors in The New World was removed from our regions. Indonesia has long held multiple regions in South Africa hostage. The Western Cape was one of the oldest Fortress Regions in the entire game. Their latest war served no other purpose than machination and tyranny.

Our allies, those who decided to come to our aid in this dark time, have carried the day for us. I am aware that many of you came here because you were ordered to, and that those orders were motivated by desires that, while not opposed to it, where not intended to free South Africa. With that moment of pragmatism, my heart felt thanks extends to everyone, regardless of motivation, regardless of nationality, who fought with us, and for us, these past few days.

South Africa has been a land plagued by oppression and fear. There was a time when I allowed my pro-EDEN stance to be silenced by my countrymen. I hope the rest of The New World can understand this, empathize with this. There are those who tell you that life in The New World is without suffering, that no one here can be hurt or punished.

They are wrong.

I allowed my friends and countrymen to silence me. I sat by as claims of neutrality and self preservation rang the halls of our congress and the streets of our cities. And in the past few days, I’ve watched those claims disappear, that desire to remain replaced by one to be free. I hope The New World can forgive us our errors and mistakes.

There are good people here. I won’t bother to name them, for we all know who our leaders and our heroes are. Good people who have suffered. Good people who have fought invasion and PTO, by foreign governments and by self serving, greedy and malicious individuals. There are good people who deserve their entire country.

There will be more battles, more wars tomorrow. Our enemies will come again, that is for certain. But I make this promise now, to anyone who cares to listen and hear me. I was mistaken to allow myself to be silenced. I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure that the sacrifices made over the past two days are not in vain. I promise never to allow myself to be silenced. I promise, to every South African and foreign citizen, to every soldier and civilian, that claims of neutrality and self preservation never go unchallenged in South Africa again.

I promise never to forget our allies and their assistance. And I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure no one else ever does either.