A Presidential Announcement Discussing Identity Theft

Day 942, 15:03 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Today's nightly address is going to be devoted to the very serious topic of identity theft.

Unfortunately, as in all situations there are people who will take advantage of you, your account, and your belonging to pursue a goal. I'm going to provide some tips to help you avoid this situation and keep you, your eFamily, and your businesses safe.

Take them seriously. It only takes one mistake to lose everything you've built in the eWorld.

1) Change your citizen password and the password to all organizations. Everything. Now.

2) Change it to something not obvious. For example, if your citizen name is part of your password, you're doing it wrong. Good passwords are 20+ characters long and are the functional equivalent of you slamming your face on the keyboard while occasionally holding shift. Fortunately, there are sources available that will do it for you if you are unwilling.

3) Use a real browser.

4) Internet Explorer does not qualify for a "Real Browser"

5) Don't share your password with friends. Its quite simple, the easiest way to get ripped off on the internet is to trust someone on the internet. It rarely ends well. You also become liable for anything they do, possibly losing your account in the process.

6) Do not use the same password for you account, email, forums, organization, facebook, and neopets. If one gets compromised theyre all gone.

7) Do not click on links to off-site websites unless you know what the domain is and/or trust the person, especially while logged into eRepublik. This is especially important in "wIN LotS of MuNEy" lotteries you receive in PMs. If you fall for that, you're really bad at being on the internet.

😎 Do not click on Tiny-Urls unless you have a tiny url preview addon or use the preview feature.

9) The link in #8 was a tiny url, if you clicked it, shame on you.

