A Political Appeal to New Citizens

Day 486, 11:13 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

This is an appeal for new or relatively new citizens to become involved in politics in eIreland. New citizens are imperative to the future successes of eIreland and should have a role in shaping it. In this article I hope to show why politics is relevant, a basic breakdown of politics in eRepublik and how you can get involved in the political system. Aristotle once wrote “Man is by nature a political animal” so I'm reassured (or at least hope) I won't bore you 🙂 Hope this helps.

Why Politics?

Politics affects everything, from the work you go to every day right down to the price of a loaf of bread. In its broadest sense it defines, through a set of rules and continuing amendments, how we live our lives. You can either sit back and let politicians do what they do (and complain whenever the media tells you to) or you can become politically active and I don't mean just going out on voting day and voting for the most charismatic mainstream candidate, no I would love to see people get involved.

A Brief Breakdown

So how those one achieve an understanding of the political system and become involved with the issues. Luckily eRepublik politics is not as complex as real life politics.

-For starters social issues such as abortion, gay rights, religion etc do not hold any bearing in eRepublik. These are issues that are controversial in nature and would spark nothing but an unnecessary divide, so I strongly discourage you bring them up.

-Congressmen and Presidents in eRepublik are obviously more limited than real life politicians as to what they can do (so don't expect as Congressman you'll be tackling medical cards for old age citizens). Congressmen can only propose two laws, dealing with either citizen fees, taxes, state donations to Government organizations, printing national currency or a President impeachment. Presidents can propose an unlimited number of laws. They also can write a message to all citizens, buy hospitals and defense systems, declare war on and sign an alliance with another country.

-That's fundamentally what politicians do in eRepublik, however in eIreland we have a more advanced system and we have an area for Dáil debates and a place for congressmen to vote on legislation that can't be proposed within eRepublik. Furthermore, we have a cabinet dealing with a range of issues. A link to the current roster can be found here

I will not explain different political ideologies here, I will however do so in a future article.

5 Ways To Get Involved

I know you're going well Severin it's easy telling citizens to get involved and explaining what politicians do but I'm a low level citizen who only eats, works and trains, what can I do? Well the answer is quite a lot actually.

Read Read articles in the media to keep up to date with current affairs but don't stop there. If you have the time, look at articles in the past wrote by experienced citizens(click on a newspaper and start going through interesting articles) , join and look through the forum: http://forum.erepublik-ie.com/index.php, look at past Congress proposals and have a look at http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php for any fundamental questions. Reading requires no experience, so all citizens can do it. It's a handy way to arm yourself with knowledge while you level up.

Write Reply to articles. Chances are if it's a popular article more than a few will read your reply and who knows you might even make a friend or two. Don't be afraid to go up against people more experienced than you, your opinion is just as valid. I say however don't go on non nonsensical rants, research or at least have an idea of what you're talking about first. Want to know whats going on with our health, education, foreign policy and defense etc write to the respected ministers, I already gave a link to the roster. Have an idea for legislation? Write to your local congressman or put the idea forward in the forum.

Join Here comes the obvious advice: join a political party. Don't know which one is for you, why not write to the leader inquiring what the party stands for. Do not be put off a party simply because of past or alleged corruption. Corruption has been dealt with in the past and is gradually disappearing from eIreland.

Run When you reach level 12 and have an interest in becoming apart of the political system, run for congress. But don't just put your name down and vote for yourself, chances are you won't be elected. Write a presentation explaining why you want to run and what you will do on behalf of your constituents. There should be a place in the forum to write a presentation soon, if not, I'll post one. If you have a newspaper publish a manifesto. Congress elections are coming up, so if you're interested get your name on the ballot. More competition in elections would make the elections a lot more interesting not mention make it harder for multi accounts to get elected.

Vote If there is a candidate you think would make a difference, show up on election day and support the candidate. More votes makes for better citizen representation and a more legitimate Government..

Thank you for your attention. If you liked the article vote, if you really liked it subscribe to the newspaper 🙂 Any questions feel free to pm me or leave a comment here.