A Penny for your abbreviation

Day 4,145, 15:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Doctor John Smith

No.. not a penny for your thoughts, but for your abbreviation.

For not-new players
Drop an eRepublik abbreviation in the comments. This can be any abbreviation as long as:
1) it is used commonly in erepublik or the eNetherlands
2) you can link to a place where the abbreviation is used

After that I will edit this article to summarize all abbreviation on alphabetical order AND hopefully explain all abbreviation with a link to a page where the abbreviation is used.

I will ofcourse pay you a symbolic 1 NLG for it.

For new players
If you miss any abbreviation in this list, just mention it in the comments and link to a place where it is used. And we - the office of the Actua Contra Newspaper - will find out its meaning.

All commonly used abbreviation


AI-tje Returning after a leave of absence
AS: Airstrike


BH: Battle hero (medal)


CC = country currency
CH: Campaign hero (medal)
CoC: Chairman of Congress
CO: Combat Order, a mechanic - that is currently inactive - in which money can be set on battles that fighters can earn.
CP: Country president


DAF: Dutch Army Force, our main Military Unit. A funny pick considering it also refers to the Dutch Daf cars of course (which is intentional)
DemNL = Dutch political party called Democratic NL
DC: Daychange (0:00 erep time, dunno how commonly that is used anymore)
DO: Daily Order, the 25 kills your Military Unit asks you to do daily.
DoW: Declaration of War
DW: Direct war


EB: Energybar
EF: Emergency Fund, a storage of CC/Gold that can only be used during emergencies and with approval of Congress
EZ: Ministerie of Economische Zaken, the main financial working account of the eNetherlands.


FF: Foodfights (fighting without the use of energybars)


GPN: Dutch political party calle😛 Geuzen Partij Nederland


I&W: Dutch political party called Iron & Wine


KK: Key Keeper


MM: Monetary Market (MM program = dutch program buying and selling gold on the MM
Mo😨 Minister of Defense
MoE: Minister of Education
MoF: Minister of Finance
MoFA: Minister of Foreign Affairs
MoHA: Minister of Homr Affairs
MPP: Mutual Protection Pact
MU: Military Unit


PP: Party President (or prestige points)
PTO: Political Take Over (generally inhabitants from a big country that take over the congress of a smaller country)


TC: Training contract
TG: Training ground
TL😉R: Standard reply on a post made by the country president.
TW: Training war


ReL = Dutch political party calle😛 Revolution et Libertas
RH: Resistance hero (medal)
RW: Resistance war


SH: Sky hero (medal)


VN: Dutch Political Party calle😛 Verenigd Nederland