a pardon for emerick

Day 588, 07:31 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Like him or not ... Emerick has provided a lot of entertainment and other types of emotions to the players of this game. Some time ago the Admin team on the eUSA Forums decided to give Emerick a permaban for his constant bad behavior and his I-don't-care-anymore attitude. Routinely the Admin team has revisited this issue to decide if we should modify that ban. I've always been one of the holdout votes against reinstating him.

A few months ago Emerick ran for Congress and Killing Time (one of the other Forum Admins) and I had a serious discussion about what would happen if he were to win. I relented then and said we'd let him come back to the Congress Boards if he won ... he didn't win and didn't win again ... then he did win and I had to make good on my pledge.

So far Senator Emerick has acted responsibly on the eUSA Forums. I had been planning to save this for my last day as eUSA President but Killing Time and I, as two of the Admins who have been against bringing Emerick back the longest, have decided to relent.

Thus, I hereby issue a Pardon to Emerick.

Now don't think that any President can just issue a pardon that will subvert the decision of the Admin Team. This is a special case and I thought it would make for a good article. Effective today Emerick is no longer restricted on the eUSA Forums. This does not mean that he won't find himself banned again some time if he goes back to the same sort of behaviors that led him to be perma banned in the first place. But for now he has his full rights back in the eUSA Forums and the citizens there can cheer or groan as the case may be.