A New look for The Unity Party

Day 626, 08:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party


In the days before the presidential election, it was suggested on the forums, in our artwork thread that we could try and design new logo's, and run a contest to see who could make the best one. That logo, would then become the new logo of the party.

It was a popular contest, and many new ideas, a long with some following the more traditional TUP symbol were suggested. What you see, is the winning logo designed by TheHorse, which shall become the new party logo.


In my opinion, the recent contest was a good example of why people should move onto the forums. Many people got involved, it was pretty fun, and it was a good way for aspiring image editors to get hints and tips from people with experience.

Not only that, but as with all things eUK, a lot of what the party does, and decision we make is all carried out on the forums. For example, the party holds conferences to decide on what policies we should have, and we as a group make these decisions. The more contributors we have, the better the party can be.

If you do move onto the forums, you'll find that you can acquire a great knowledge of how the eUK works. The fact that you take part in debate and discussion on the forums will give you much firmer feet from which to get involved in the military, or in politics.


Election Success

Again, Hassan Pesaran won the Presidential elections, and has began his second term. We would like to congratulate him, for his success. He has decided on his cabinet, which you can read about here. note, the familiar faces 🙂

Mr Woldy,
TUP President.

You can PM me, for more info on how to get involved.